between sleep and waking
Will acknowledge you, if you'll
(Though even Google won't
give his name),
But it's a hard lock
at the gate,
Top secret what goes
on there,
Save some fragment
Teaching Assignments
to chew on
In the waking hours,
in those moments
When the veil's still
full of holes.
The moment you pass sleep's
What went on there
is over,
Whatever cities
you've toured,
Whatever heights
you've scaled,
Whatever plans
made for you
In waking hours
to execute
Go through without the glitch
of your knowing,
They are like sand
collapsing instantly
Except as anamnestic
There are no rules up there
as rule us here
(The part where I ink
what disappears).
Too much impossible
for the veil
Not to be kept taut
by this slave
Who kindly waits
for my word
To go back to what I know,
who I am.