Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kassandra and Apollo On the Rocks

Kassandra at the bar
Said Apollo was the darkness
      all his Temperance and discernment
      only kept the light before us
Because he framed it for the blind.

              He brought shadows only
      of the gods who needed Mnemosyne
When they came in amnesia sunrise new again.

"They are symbols," he said,
"Not much use for a woman
Who barters in the real thing ..."

"What makes words happen
Speaks so softly," she replied,
"No sun or sky could ever amplify it."

"My Chariot is knowledge itself, my dear,
Carried with a sword of will and caduceus of service  
To shine as the divine on all things equally."

"Nothing is born in your light," she replied,
"No angels conceived, no mysteries revealed.
Men are put as beasts to reap in the heat under the eye."

"Better pain and grief than your miracles!" He cried.
"Your magic is unwise. How can the slaves save themselves
If you tell them there's no shackles?"

"The slaves only hear in the night, in the quiet of the womb
The one voice that hadn't abandoned them
In your quest for identity and its division."

"So you see a point in my architecture?" He sputtered,
"A sliver of moonlight peeks through the oracle ball!
Why would they seek out what is without what is not?"

"We need you, yes, to distort and forget, to make the real 
A recoverable thing, but with each roll of your sun, 
A belief in what is not fools like a mesmer's coin, 
Mind feeds on its empty and endless self."

"So THAT'S why you speak so loudly,
Daring Poseidon to drown all of Delphi
To keep your hisses above the din of humans thinking.
Do you not see the irony?"

"Without a voice unheard unheeded
There would be no hope," she calmly asserted,
And he gave her at last what she wanted,
A home on the other side of the sky

Where she wouldn't have to see
        his inevitable project unfold
On the unsuspecting populace.

Instead, she would be as a human,
        whose cord goes always to the core,
Where all that is obtainable is easy to find
By a heart tamed by mind, once he's left her
        by looking.

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Voyage

From the French of Charles Baudelaire

To Maxime Du Camp

To the child, passionate for maps and stamps,
The Universe is equal to his appetite.
Ah! That the world looks large in the clarity of lamps
But tiny in hindsight.

We left one morning, our brains full of flame,
Our hearts huge with rancor and bitter desire,
And we went, following the rhythm of the untamed
Waves that cradle our infinity within the sea's finality of fire:

Some, joyous to flee the infamy of their homeland;
Others, horrified in their cradles; in view of the moon
Astrologers drown in the eyes of a woman,
Tyrannical Circe with her dangerous perfumes.

Not to be changed into beasts, we go higher
Into space and light and the blazing sky;
The ice that bites us, the sun that fires
Will efface the rash of love slowly.

But the true voyager is he who leaves
To leave something; light hearts, resembling balloons,
Never shrink from their fate's weave
And, without knowing why, always say: onward, go on!

There are those whose desires are formed of clouds,
And who dream, thus the cannon conscripts came,
The vast voluptuous, changeable, unknowable crowds
The human mind can never name.

We mimic — O horror — the top and the ball
In their waltz, bound, and bounce; even our dreams run,
Our curiosity tortures us and we roll,
Like an Angel cruelly whisking the suns.

Singular fortune where the target moves west,
And, being nothing, carries perhaps the meaning of all:
Of Man, whose hope never lessens,
Always trying to find rest like a fool.

Our soul is a schooner seeking its Icarus;
A voice reaches from the bridge: "Fix your eyes, far."
A voice from the topmast, eager and crazy, shouts to us:
"Love...glory...happiness." Hell! It's a sandbar.

At each island, man's vigilant gaze goes foraging,
For the Eldorado promised by destiny's night;
The imagination creates an orgy
That turns out to be a reef in the morning light.

The poor lovers of things that are chimeras!
Should they be put in irons, thrown to the sea,
These hard-drinking sailors, inventors of Americas,
Does the mirage make the abyss more deep?

Like the old vagabond, tramping in the sewer,
Dreaming, his nose in the air, of a paradise that dazzles;
His entranced eyes discover a Capua
Everywhere the candle illuminates a hovel.

Astonishing travelers! Whose noble stories
Are read on eyes as deep as the ocean!
Bring us the chest of your rich memories,
Marvelous jewels, made of stars and ether in motion.

We would travel without steam and without sail
To ease the sadness of our prisons,
To call into our minds, stretched like a veil,
A canvas of memories in the frame of your horizons.

Tell us, what have you seen?

               "We have seen stars
And floods; we have seen bare sand stare;
And, despite the shocks of unforeseen disasters,
We could not go on with life's tedium, just like here.

Glorious sunshine on the violet sea,
Glorious cities in declining sun,
Burn in our hearts an unquiet plea
To plunge in the sky's enticing reflection.

The richest cities, the grandest landscapes
Will never contain the mysterious charge
Of chance meeting the cloudbreaks.
Desire makes us anxious, ever more large!

— Enjoyment joins desire to our will,
Desire, ancient tree whose pleasure is manure,
Your bark grows hard and thick,
Your branches long to see the sun nearer.

Do you never stop growing, large tree with a harder look
Than the cypress? — Yet we are, without worry,
Picking sketches for your voracious scrapbook,
Like brothers who only find the distant worthy.

We have bowed to the fraudulent icons:
The constellations where joy is illumined;
The palaces whose gilded fantasies of pomp
Make the banker's dreams ruined;

The costumes clothed for the inebriated eye;
The women whose teeth and nails are dyed,
And the sage jugglers the snake caresses."

And now, what is next?

               "O Childish brain!

Don't forget the most interesting principle:
We have seen in everything, without looking,
From the heights to the depths went the fatal scale,
The spectacle of ennui, of immortal sin.

The woman, the filthy slave, conceited and stupid,
Without laughing adores and loves herself, as if a lure;
The man, the ravenous tyrant, debauched, merciless Cupid,
Slave of the slave and gutter of the sewer;

The happy executioner, the martyr who sobs;
The feast with the seasoning and scent of blood;
The poison that unnerves the enervated despot,
And the mob that forms from a deadening whip — love;

Many religions resemble our own,
All scale the sky; the Saintly,
As in a feather bed where the delicate wallow,
Find in horsehair and nails ecstasy;

Chattering Humanity, on her genius tipsy,
And crazy, now as ever before is it true,
Crying out to God, in her furious agony:
'O my mate, O my Master, I curse you!'

And the least stupid, bold lovers of Lunacy,
Flee the great herd that Destiny pens in,
And take refuge in opium's immensity!
— So the whole globe is one endless bulletin."

Bitter knowledge, that's the haul from the voyage!
The world, monotonous and small, today,
Yesterday, tomorrow, always, show us our image:
An oasis of horror in a desert of ennui!

Must one leave? Remain? If you can stay, stay;
Leave, if you must. The one shrinks, and the other cowers
To cheat the vigilant and fierce enemy,
Time! that's it, alas! giving no respite to the racers,

Like the wandering Jew and the apostles,
For whom nothing suffices, neither carriage nor vessel,
To flee these gladiator nets; Time is like all the others
Who can slaughter without leaving their cradle.

When finally it puts its foot on our spine,
We'll be able to shout out with hope: ahead!
Just as when we set sail for China,
Eyes fixed on the open sea and masthead,

We will embark on the sea of Darkness
With the happy heart of a young traveler.
Do you hear these voices, charming and lugubrious,
Which sing: "come here! you who want to devour

The perfumed Lotus! It is here that one harvests
The miraculous fruits for which your heart depends;
Allay your thirsts on the strange softness
Of an afternoon that will never end!"

With the familiar accent we foretell the spectre;
Our Pylades with their arms toward us outstretched.
"To refresh your heart swim toward your Electra!"
Where before we kissed the knees at best.

O Death, old captain, it is time! Raise anchor!
This country bores us, O death! Sail on!
If the sky and sea like ink are black ore
Our hearts, as you know, give illumination.

Pour us your poison so it comforts us,
The flame that burns our mind so, we wish to
Plunge into Hell, or Heaven, what's the difference?
We plumb the Unknown to find the new!

The Dream of a Voyeur

From the French of Charles Baudelaire

To F-N

Do you know, like me, the sorrowful savor,
And of yourself do you say: "I am the man singular!"
— I was going to die. It was in my soul like a lover,
Desire mixed with horror, an evil particular;

Anguish and vivid hope, but not rebellious.
The more it emptied, the fatal hourglass,
The rougher my torture, the more delicious;
All my heart was torn off as the familiar world passed.

I was like the child greedy for spectacle,
Hating the curtain as one hates an obstacle
Finally the cold truth was delineated:

I was dead without surprise, and the terrible dawn
Enveloped me. — Eh what! Is that all there is to go on?
The canvas was raised and still I waited.

Sunday, June 30, 2024


It takes a village of idiots
     flipped like tiddlywinks
But at 96 June degrees
     uncooled dignity
However arch,
     however cruel the blues —

And the lilac revolution
     took sides at last
On its way to today's
     rainbow hues.
What stone walls could be
     walked through,

All of them inside.
     For the people were not real,
So we didn't know there was
     a not us. We can't let in 
The colors unless
     they say they exist.

The thread of gratitude
     that prismatically
Folds through the lies,
     abuse, bondage
For refusing to stand
     for something in this world

Frays on days like these,
     shame sold for parts
Must end, so one must be
     grateful for the pain
Enough to stand, because it's real

To stand opposed, to see clearly,
     to be forced
To see oneself, like a forced
     holiday from other people
On a humid day in June
     where thirsts cannot be slaked.

The thought of rising above
     like the vapor
Escapes, seems impossible,
     being harmed
And taking action, as if it was
     a neutral move

That would not make cops wince
    50 years later
When told they couldn't walk 
    in their blues
At the citizen's local 
     rainbow parade.

It takes honesty to know
     the people you love
Have lied to you
     and strength
To still be grateful ...
     for what is no longer

Seen and known, a newly minted
     variant of freedom.
You want to take the wheel
     but sometimes 
You have to leap
     outside the vehicle

To not be in the death seat
     with a rear-view mirror.
But the game allows
     a tuck and roll,
To pry oneself of the comfort
    of others, 

The crash-test dummies
     you rely on, 
Like those fags at the bar
     waiting to be caught,
Prepared to squeal,
     programmed to scatter. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Memoir of when Philly Won It All

His first single, at 17, was so advanced,
Too sophisticated for even the Doo Wop residue
That hung over steak Philly like cheese,
The twist had twistered from this town 
Never to be seen again
Except in the hair
But it was in the air, the Romeos, 
Kenny's dream, there at the start,
Use the radio for good,
The good of love in all its otherworldly glory,
Of peace through listening,
Making even the expressway a heart.

A lion knows when to pounce 
And when to look, and Kenny
Knew both, transmuted the Bachs
Near Wayne State to the
South Philadelphia streets,
The most hopeless of places.
Where better to give hope
Of a love train mothers fathers sisters brothers
House band, love its message?

Only an orchestra was worthy of this Philly.
The arrangements he commissioned 
Felt as real as the Freedom Theatre,
As the natter on the French horn stoops 
And the lips on pizzicato rooftops,

The words, Kenny's sword, cut so deep 
In love you only could fall right in
To a hole so sweet you could ride the air
Swirl of Philly Free to World B 
Before it became the symbol of America
Before it became crystalized as disco
Before it became the 70s themselves.

There was an actual business plan 
With all that infused the Jersey breezes,
To clean up the ghetto in fact 
Which meant in fact to face the fact
You're not a victim if you do not
Choose to be.

The sun shone kindly 
Even on his indiscretions,
How valuable they were to the cause
Of saving the black male
By the strength of his grace,
How much he could bend
To those stringent strings
Yet stay strong as the streets.

Even tho 
The traffic lights in North Philly
Are the only light
Down a long street
And the pleasures of musical flesh
Smelled like so much peddling 
When the cocaine turned serious
Heat up on the girls who wanted to be 3 degrees
Unhooked in that long coke binge 1980s
When Michael showed he listened to Kenny
Like few before him, how the rose
Of music can burn right through the thorns
To the glorious pools
Where we bathe each other
With golden water 
Under columns of brotherly love.

But the world could not contain 
The heaven of music
And Kenny turned to the children
Of his children, offering school 
With a non-misinformed education,
One that stresses, you guessed it, love
And graduates based on standards
Of peace and brotherhood.

And even when that loophole was tightened
By the crack bank, he stayed a lion,
Pleaded for money otherwise thrown to graft
To build houses, grow children, 
Serve communities, find opportunities
In the blackened shell of the one last church.

He gambles there still, with the lost
Who always had a voice
He never failed
To hear.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

From the Invictus Files

The Chinese plan,
The long-term transaction,
Requires no thought at all,
Since it is only an idea

But that same idea
Sent Eddie Holland,
Who gave Motown words,
To debtor's prison

The best place
For songs to be from.

Proving also how it wasn't
Ever really meant
For him.

Everybody knows the story,
Thinks in fact it's exactly

And the heart of every story
Loves a mystery
And the only name that comes through
The room's anechoic foam
Is one Edythe Wayne,
Who no one can determine
Is an alethonym
Or an actual person,

But a lot was lost
When creating weekly galaxies
We to this day revolve around,

Still standing in the heatwave shadows
Stopped in the name of not hurrying love
Kept hanging on without a witness
Not too proud to beg a little while ...

The blueprint for the path
In other words
Of whoever heaven cared to match,

Who's melodies still cling to the rugs
And sparkling chandeliers,
Still resound in quarry and rebar,

The foundation of the coffee shop
And corner bar, the grocery decisions at 2 am,
The endless Saturday afternoon 
Shopping for everything and seeing two movies,

All for the dreaming
Of a love that could be like that,
How longing with enough badgering 
Can float,

What Berry Gordy prophesied
As he created a slot for the heart
To fit tight as a Heidelberg pin
In the vast cosmos of the blues.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Yet Another Low Morning

The moment the servant
          becomes a slave
There's a clock somewhere.
                We can't hear it
Tolling remorse,
      what sounds to us like mocking,
The steady cloaking of bells.

It could be as small
                 as a blue Post-It note
The way the instruction is given,
                             the empathy
All on one side

We all have needs. Some needs
            are more important
To be fulfilled, at least, if morally
                  there's a curtain
That goes over like the skirt of terrified squid.
        It is always the slave's fault.
There is no redemption.
                                            As long as he serves
He is doomed.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

While Waiting in the Queue

"Guilty on 34 counts 
Thank you New Yawk!" 
A lady in glasses said. 
Not 33 and a third? 
My lawyers fee
For the right to carry 
An alternative reality.
It's the cover charge, see
At the Freemason door
Where the band always plays 440.

Ah how the universe works
On perfect spring days;
I had just been patting
My self in the back
How I was able to ignore COVID,
The common cold and its variant,
The whole time. And now this.

But the streets are now wise
And another pipes up: "Election?
We don't follow no fucking election.
That's olden days fairy tale disinfo,
Like vampires in robes
And babies swallowed by dingos.
We no longer get fooled
By such things."

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Fool's Royal

For Hanna Hester

The wise fool,
       The stupid fool,
               The nullity,
Motley stiltwalks
        In checkerboard socks
Between two towers
        That look like my 
                   own house
Usher falling 
        Past life bricks.

They power the Chariot
        That's taken us 
              Through grapeleaves
On Dala horses. They are the towers 
        Bathed in gold
              On the Death card,
The poles for the baying under the Moon,
The balance
        The High Priestess knows
              And takes with her.

The Tower in tarot always falls,
        Material turns illusion
Not with a soft firefly glow
        But the final war for truth,
               The truth of the experience.
And the Jester,
       Miss Hester,
                Has no scepter 
So she can't tell it
                To the king who
Has long since left for Orion,
        Which she carries on her belt
On the vintage harlequin suit
        With stilts that lift her
Like a marionette 
        Above the tarn
To the heaven
        Of albatross.

But the Fool cannot smile.
        The towers lurch
                    But nothing moves
Cept our eyes
        As we wait
                    For both to fall,
And fall they will,
       For stilts can't 
Hold up the juggler's balls,
       How things are funny
                    Until they aren't.            

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Unoverse

Our field is wide
As wide sometimes
As the universe.

Yet it's only me
And my verse
In convergence 

Of how the universe 
Folds like batter
Into one verse.

The grain of sand
Crystal coded
With the all --

It vibrates on the sheet
But cannot harmonize 
The way I do

With tubes of different colored goo.
How can there be difference
When there's the one?

Lunch Chat

In Avignon 
When the mistral came
And the city flocked
To the gift shop
Of L'Eglise de St.-Agricol 
The nuns shooed away
Like oxen
With censers 
Any visitors
Including our heroine
And Kiwi mother
Who traveled together
Mother and Daughter
The World
In hostels
And were then getting drenched 
By an end of the world fury,
Only to learn they had to buy
Something to be saved.
The rest is confusing.
I find myself on hair pin
Switchbacks in the Blue Ridge
In December Smokie blackness.
I prayed
There would be someplace
To stop.

My Mornings Victim's Journey

Entitlement and Victimhood walk hand in hand;
One hand asketh and the other taketh away.

With so many faces trained 
To cultivate the rat's ass nothing
The world gives for human striving
How is it that others are to blame
For not getting all one wants?

How shitty service and POS product
Are the reasons for dreams unfulfilled,
Dreams of food always delivered
When one is hungry
And not a moment before,
Dreams of every moment being full
Of something that doesn't suck or bore,
Dreams, most of all, of not having to do
What one would prefer not to do.

It's the ultimate insult, if one
Doesn't want to, why should one have to?
No one has ever answered that question,
Because it seems it's built in to people 
Not to ask, like an extra chromosome,
Those fuck-lucky people
Whose skin isn't ripped to the last nerve
By idiots and assholes who won't do
Their fucking job and serve.

There's a warm place for complaint
In the human heart, such compassion
For grievance, it's so hard to see
How we are one in suffering:
The shivering tin can collector
Who reclines by the trash in the river
And the one who's had his Maserati, 
The only ride worth having, taken away
For bullshit drunk driving citations.

And in that gap, an enmity forms.
How can the same heart
That reaches as wide as the cosmos
Hold so much?
There must be a catch.
It does not compute.
So the hurricanes rage from the eye.

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Mirror of a Familiar Tarn

The nose and eyes of the alligator
Are the same shade as this standing water,
A festering grey still as dust on a no-pest strip.

You'd never know it, but the alcazar is sinking
And the alligator integrates
All that is disintegrating
As it disintegrates. 

It only disintegrates in fact
As quickly as he integrates. 

He must gaze keenly
And sniff discerningly
To even detect it —
What feels a collapse
As if it was an illusion that there were
Slats and girders and boards,

But it's more a thing that goes in and out
Like an oscilloscope's throbbing wave 
— It's only when it is no longer real
The alligator can move.

Only a warrior is strong enough
To let everything destroy itself
In order to swim freely.

It holds its prey below sight
So you can think that it exists.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Mirror Doll

Only the eye knows
      and isn't telling,
For show has to come
      before the tell,
A life in contemplation
      of the hole — 
Wouldn't have a whole
      without it.

The Shell Beach Sign

We've waited so long just to tell the truth but
The time for it has passed.

Mark it up to the humans
Who yearn to be as lazy as the animals,
So beset by the flaws of others
Brilliant in their eyes
They take a pick to the bevel,
Try to chisel inclusions in the crystal.

But there are no cries of pain there,
What you feel must go unfelt.

It is you who cries for you — the rest are
To match you whine for sigh
But they are what you have become
As you've lost all you had of your life

Like an old sailor on a pier with a Ferris wheel,
Whose entire frame of reference is what happened there.

Everything else was an idea
That led back to this, now nothing
But a blue horizon,
All he ever was.

One of these Red Flask Days

As the shrubs shiver
The pink lily sways
With the one infinite wish
To recognize our divinity
And be free.

My lips touch the newly freed sky
And anoint the world.
Every nerve in the cosmos
Feels the kiss.

Divine oneness is so omnipresent
I must take a sip of tea.

Friday, May 24, 2024

The Peanuts Delivered to the Door

A shadow in my own house,
Only the railings hum my name,
The candelabra's dripped in sadness
But it's at the void, not me,
There's nothing left of that, some strange
Undisclosed condition of witnessing.

I am at best a bird looking in,
At worst a service monkey
Looking for tips and kept from thievery
By the very love that enslaves me,
The need to value what is not mine
And never will be.

Enter the Great American Con Man
Who no longer has to say I'm invisible
Because I did not whistle loudly enough
How it's the amount of evil used to acquire power
That is the only standard of right in the universe,
So my value is non-existent, he says,
And he only keeps me around because of all men
(He of course would never say this) I can give him
The most with the least disagreement, and
Offer the highest percentage of my soul,
Most of which, the part with no opportunity for ridicule,
He will indifferently leave there, or spit out, or throw 
In disgust on the floor, sometimes laughing, 
Sometimes stamping it out in his spats like George Raft
Doing Al Capone doing Caligula.

But even I know I'm not kept around for that, I am kept
To keep his protector from unrelieved misery.
He would, he claims, acknowledge my existence
If what I said had any relevance. The collected teachings
Of the ages I didn't keep to myself. I raised a lip, 
A brow, an objection of any sort one too many times,
He calmly informs me, or would if these bones were real.

What will he do
When I take away his car, his room, his home, his food,
His family, and send him out with nothing into the world?

I've pondered long and hard this difficult question
And realize my torments will finally end only when
I can honestly, happily, blissfully, with all the heart
Of the cosmos, say, final answer, "I will be free."

Thursday, May 23, 2024

More About Bats

The shaman trains as hanged man in the darkness,
Suspended in a chrysalis of inwardness
To invert what he believed in, about himself,
To learn how the opposite is equally true.

It's not to die the hero's ego death, but know
Who he is, from the other side, sonar, not flight,
The path — before all the bones that crack to the sound.
He's wrapped like a snake Caduceus around the pole

Because he has remembered himself, and he wants
Nothing more than to hold the center that can't hold,
For all is love, at the end of each silver cord.
So the spiral snake wends the needle, to recall

As illusion the error ways, where the not love,
The golden dream, could finally be realized
Via one's chosen hallucinatory loop,
Maelstroms we call them, because it is always fun

To be the victim, suffering is what we choose
Every time. Is it a sin to say we prefer it?
How could we not choose lives of gluttony lust and
Purgatory, for the sheer joy of it, to see 

How far away fair love can appear to be
Like we would compass the stars for a sense of awe.
All the vastness and perfection and cohesion
Love extends, what better vantage point than below?

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


The bat on the window
Laughs at the insects
Large and in charge at
The Sigler residence,

They way they cavort,
The tones they use,
How play turns to blood
So quickly

And flight
Only flits back
To cold
Electrical distances,

But, then, the bat
Thinks the place is his,
It welcomes his guano
After all,

His heart and soul,
Its rafters a net
For companionship and safety,
Harmony, a steady diet of flies,

And would swoop upon 
Its kitchen meats
As freely as he

That's the way at least that 
The shadows look at it,
The never having,
The never having enough.

There are no rules,
Except what can be heard
In the exclusive caverns of ears
And, being heard, transmitted.

Ah, but the globe is breaking
From the weight of
What is wasted, and most of it
Throbs in the ethers

Like fat in a candle flame
Humming the house.
The crickets only know
How to sing it.

After the Addendum

"La plus commune façon d'amollir les coeurs de ceux qu'on a offensez, lors qu'ayant la vengeance en main, ils nous tiennent à leur mercy, c'est de les esmouvoir par submission à commiseration et à pitié. Toutesfois la braverie, et la constance, moyens tous contraires, ont quelquefois servi à ce mesme effect." - Michel de Montaigne

So I tolerate the intolerable
Because compassion cuts off wisdom
Whenever two lanes merge to one.
That's just science. What irks
Is this belief I could exist outside of it,
That, when the smoke rose, and the pawns
Were left on the board, it would be
Like I'd been there. Even those who try
To disappear need external validation, I hold
As I bear that last candle over the threshold
Not to see, but to know it won't go out
After the million lips have mistaken its flame
For an invitation to darkness.

There's too much light, until there is no more,
As truth must fold completely into lie
For what just happened to be revealed,
As curtain opened on an empty stage --
It's what's best for the patrons, they say,
When it's the actor himself
Who demanded the chairs be empty
For the performance of his life,
Only then to know that everything he did
Deserved applause.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


The endless talk
Of drafts and draws
To give the others the squeeze
And then the slip
In knots of condemnation 
Webbed like a lace
That can be blown like birthday cake,
The laughter at the shame
Somehow the fuel
For further power moves
To wrench control of some detail,
Some small remote console.

But the dogs lie down to sleep
And the shame just arrives like fleas
As morning beckons like a train.
There's only so many ways
The rooster comb
Can brush the corpse's hair
And there's only so many beers
In the fridge
And none of them are cold.

All battles have already been fought and lost, 
All winners will be beaten with a stick.

The Pink Bench and the Great I Am

In the park
Where things happen without time
Sounds connect, seeds fall, nations rise.
Each stem holds a world to the sun.
There is no one like anyone else
But we are all one.

In fact,
The Temple from beyond
The Jacaranda blue
That strokes its amorous bell
To get through
Is just the whirr of birds
— It never did exist.

The Band Aid Can on the Yacht

The empty must be rusted,
Just a slant of light let through 
This plexiglass opaque curtain
— Once people suffered here, on some
Lint-lunged, mangle-handled contraption 
To make fashion affordable to the masses
Long extinguished in the current rages
That's long since blown through now,
Home to feral cats and all that keeps them
Alive in the dark, with ever-vigilant eyes.

It could not become a parking lot
Or boredom-making office park
Like the other would-be Pinocchios—
It must stay free of all ennui ...

The wait is inexorable 
For enough to be forgotten
To raze the rafters down
In hopes we will remember
What haunts us like the China in the shed.

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Invisible Turns Motionless

The rust on the rooster-crown roofs
Of still fans in sultry gray,
There's no wind to ruffle the Santa Ana grasses
Finally present with the moment
Soulful with emptiness.

Children's worlds of plastic swings
And suspended upturned trikes
Lie like still lives in the barbed backyards
With no reason to do anything but live
—Something we can do outside of them,
Finally free as jays.

Even the paper debris is free
To collect itself in peace
By whatever fences once held them still,
Wherever their trestles ended up,
What we now may call real.

Container cars whose emptiness
Reminds us how much holier it is
To be an echo
Than whatever can't be seen
In endless carriage tracking west
Under the collective judgment of stars.

And then the messages flash
In slick black Liquitex
And incandescent Krylon
—Not to be understood or even seen,
It is the urge of the eye merely
That connects to what they know,
The chimeras of what once seemed realized.

Like the plastic bags in shopping carts
In the cul de sac beside the freeway,
Once they were as lithe as dreams
And now they dream alone
With the free people motionless now
In dust shrubs peering over kingdoms of waste
That were never anything but places they could go
And not be discovered.

All of us want that
But the all-seeing eye
Must peek inside the packages
Now stranded on the tracks,
Savor the last 
Morsel of liberty.

As the train winds upstream
Some answering currents
Flow back to what might have been
And what never was lies ahead,
A gleaming city of blue!

The root of all sadness 
Is cutting oneself off
From love.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Rivers Between Commerce

The scrapyard beckons,
The dark art of light refraction,
Where we pile on our dissatisfactions
As if they own us,
As if their price will go up
This time, if only this one time
Then we're flush
As the skies that promise nothing,
Nothing to deny us.

We list between piles of bitter complaint
That the one we have left,
Our mythical selves,
Can't compete
With the sleaze and light victories
Pulled like gills to the gulls
From warm polluted holes,
White gulls with otherworldly eyes,
Yet they pluck the lotus for shit
As does Quan Yin herself as well,
Have the choice to see heaven or hell,
Or maybe the blue only knows its own kind,
Learns nothing from all of the lies.

I have poured out as diurnal ritual
The barrels of measurable shit and urine,
Made microadjustments to
The indefensible
Hoping my time was enough
Of a sacrifice
For the pleasure of seeing
Everything break,
Everything die and get taken
All rationales slide down an icy crevasse
Where the Self as we pictured it
Can't be said to exist anymore
And nothing of goodness escapes
To the light ...

That trickery flickery always throws relief
Onto the shade,
In patterns of steel 
Glittering blade
Like Venetian blinds ...
— Is it the light or the dark
That binds us?
Who knows?
The pipes always churn out
The waste with ease
After this many rained-out days. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

This Day in Buffalo Bills History

They were named for a vaudeville show 
Because the Buffalo Bisons were already spoken for,
But that hardly explains one Elbert D. "Golden Wheels" Dubenion 
From miniscule Bluffton College to be beckoned in black face
To the first playbill will call for a casting coach named Buster
With Carlton, Wray; Torczon, LaVerne; Fowler, Willmer; Yoho, Mack ...
Impossible names all, even for vaudeville 
When they shuffle off the mortal coil
Of Buffalo's defunct and defiant ghosts of football.

They never knew they were dead, you see,
Always thinking they were in it when they weren't.
It's not the same to beat the shit out of the other pigskin misfits
As ride the golden steeds of the football gods,
As merciless and clean as they were sexy, as this crew --
Archie and Butch and Booker and Stew --
The penitents of Lou -- most assuredly were not.

And then there was Cookie, washed out with the Argonauts
For his too-cool-for Canada's dry three goose wings down,
Proof you can liquefy a cookie, to minstrel show juice.
He came with Ernie Warlick - a name I didn't make up -
To try their luck down South in the impossible TV snow
That brought light to Niagara's honeymooner cabins
And the arc welding eyes of the Lackawanna Poles,
The factory negroes, the Erie Irish, the Alsatians
Who came in on the wind. They agreed on nothing 
But the Bills, how truly disappointing they were,
And how they still prefer Pepsi 2 to 1 to Coke and think
The Bavarian creme pies on the East Side are the best in the world.
The world. Yes they want a taste of the misery of glory but
No one had anything to give, only the glory of misery.
Still they took so tiny a slot in the prime time machine,
They only took, even from the mythical Buffalo, the urge to run.

That's where Cookie came in, never crumbling,
Even at contract time, when Buffalo wingback payback
Made it apparent at last just how far Buffalo's light had cast,
The first Tesla-electrified city so they say,
And he was cast to the woeful Bronco winds 
As was Daryl "the Mad Bomber" Lamonica
Presented for peanuts and a harmonica
To the Al Davis monkey vendor, as Jack the quarterback 
Became, because he could not be the hero of this play, 
A Republican intellectual who ran for President
On an "I'm a quarterback" plank, but no one by that time
Even remembered him.

                          What travelling show can't encompass such tragedy?
Their brothers in guerilla war rode the bouncing Super Bowl
To respectability and riches while they still
Stirred the cream of a post-Cookie apocalypse.
They changed their stadium from War to Rich
After the types of sweets at the sponsor's bakery.

And no one was ever sweeter than the man they called OJ,
The rich rookie who raced through the house that Cookie built
And whose father was the souest chef in Frisco Bay,
And if it wasn't for the love of his son, not able to be
White man cool like his heterosexual celebrity dad,
Carrying his pig-skinning chef knives to maul his great white stepmother,
We would be able to remember him,
The juice in the Electric Company, a light on TV,
The way he made us forget, for a moment,
That it mattered he was black.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Maundy Thursday at the Avenue A Swimming Pool in Saskatoon

Jones and Nyro approached lyrics from the standpoint
                         of the streets
As overheard by the ghost captain of riverboat sails,
                         which spooked him,
And the choir seemed somehow to offer food,
                         quite confusing
                                                   for a cool cat
This mission burning down thing, in the southern wing
                         of confederate rock history,
Wee hee hee hee sal on the other hand
                         of the white white boy's school
                                                   would be catnip
To go on a tightrope with impeccable poise
                                 like the ghost in our catnap.

She bailed at Monterey, thought herself too fat,
       didn't perform again until 1971, but she did,
Holy shit, Poverty Train, to half of America's high schoolers
      in their CIA-sponsored communal acid bath.
Clearly the hippies were not ready 
                          for a blue ray starseed
Who needed, at 19 years old, a 7th dimension to cover her songs! 
Who could twirl every carnival wheel within wheel til it popped,
      like a Russian savant reassembles a clock,
               refusing to settle for the real to feel
                          or any better place than dismal bliss,
                                        refusing to accept any fear in fact
      at the Stoney End of all sin-based redemptions
               that prophecy a different morning,
Who admitted to every conceivable sin in her songs
               yet each one was a mystical prayer
                         in the shadow that all light reaches for,
                                         the lunar nigro,
                         for art is in those shadows,
The eclipse observed thus pulled into creation.
                         The Spanish call it duende.
                                         We call it the blues.

There's that point where time and space are violated
                                         and cease to be.
Time stops and space dissolves to one point
                                         of eternal consciousness
                                                        mind goes on
       in Bach's Heisenberg uncertainty variations
                                          in the eternity ward
                          until a question comes again
To ground me into time and space, from an eagle,
      who says it is the only one:
                          are you free or enslaved?
Poison, it appears, is not written in the stars,
                          Blue Orpheus was ...
The choice is always ours
       to attach or not,
                        as a regular ritual
                                         like [fill in the blank].

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Creature No One Saw

Something is rotten in Ferry Bar Park.
Is it the mothman? Does he play this?
Or was it just a hologram like the moon,
Impossible to live with or miss?

Now the chromium flows, the crabs have come home to roost
At Sparrows Point, that sings its no-more secrets
Of Bethlehem Steel, on the day that Judas
Took down the Roman pig iron figurine.

Even the wedding dress and roses on the cake were blue 
And the ring bearers dressed as men in black
On the bridge where it happened in 1966,
Reports the Berkshire Eagle, on highway 36,

The same number of people who died on the Silver Bridge
Before they changed it to 37 on Wikipedia ...
And then there's Bonnybridge, "Scotland's Roswell",
In the Falkirk Triangle

And the Bridgeville UFO Festival, Bridgefest, you guessed it,
On a bridge. And there's that well-documented UFO boat
Floating by the now-singing ("wind retrofit") and Keyless
Golden Gate Bridge.

Brawny can't clean up this spill, the decades as they've festered,
Its non-union concrete crew the only supposed casualties.
Why they weren't warned like the lunar eclipse cars
Is just the most unasked of many mysteries

But I am much more interested in the "dolphins"
Placed specifically to protect said bridge from exactly this,
As pointed out by the incredulous structural engineer
Who poured the slab in 1974,

50 years ago, like clockwork tinker toy war spoils,
The third largest continuous truss bridge on the globe
Felled by a three-year old's tantrum ...
But there's so much not to make sense of:

Why in the 2012 movie Battleship did the aliens take bridges,
What no one on Reddit can figure out.
Or what really happened in High Bridge, New Jersey,
The site of irrefutable, unburiable fact,

As when in full view of Manhattan on the Brooklyn Bridge
People were pulled up one day into the sky,
Aligning such undefined choiring strings
As no allowable theory can contend.

Why, I ask, did the light beam blue avian blue,
And why was London Bridge sung to fall down
And is now on Lake Havasu?
What symbols can we use?

The Mayday Bridge like its namesake's namesake F. Scott's most
Famous story? Google won't tell you, its AI
Makes me admire how tight the Federation of Light has to be
To keep the veil as black as we need it to be.

The one incontrovertible fact in that whole Mothman business
Was that a bunch of real West Virginians saw him in 1966,
Although his eyes were like chrome reflectors not red,
And no one ever called him the Mothman, 

That's just what some AP copy editor said, 
And it wasn't even the figure but the fact
It was foisted on the consciousness 
Of Pleasant Park's unwittingly empathetic

Through some advanced blue light technology 
Presided over by actual men in black
Driving Cadillacs over the bridge
That undeniably went down,

And undeniably
Emil Roedel, Nazi Germany's most famous spy,
Was there, in West Virginia, before the bridge toppled,
As was Indrid Cold, an impossible name 

With a hard-to-conceive-of tale, like Indra the Hindu
God of fire, cold fusioned into dragon
Who appears as a vampire, or as spangle of stars
On any given red, white and blue bridge to nowhere.

It was an attack, a personal pearl harbor I suppose,
On what I was, on Grizzly and the miniature
Row homes of Curtis Bay, and the aforementioned
Ferry Bar Park, where, indeed, Homey Didn't Play That.

And the name of the cargo barge, with its captain called in
Like Jim Morrison's admiral dad for all the headline
Bridge apocalypse operations, was that book
That both of us magically have

On the surrealist Dali, from Dahlia as in the Blue,
Who drew a broken bridge he called it
To dream, but it was fully constructed
To the point it had to cross something, anything, to connect.

The locals never knew the bridge was at stake
When they saw that full-of-holes moth, 
Their accounts never quite connected,
As anonymously famous as they became.

The whole eastern seaboard is now unexpectedly 
Unhinged, as Apple buys up nuclear power plants
And the only transport pipe for waste on the whole
Eastern seaboard has ghosted us.

The Patapsco River now floods its banks
With the flow of the great mind, and we see clear 
In the blue beam to Northumbria
Without ever having to talk.

Friday, March 22, 2024

If You Don't Ask, the Answer is Yes

There's a consequence for everything you ask 
Though the odds of one and one dictate
You may carefully be given what you say,

Another chance to decide, if feeling lucky
Means another has to give you a prize
That turns, it always does, into resentment,

For you carry the weight of the thing
That assumes for a time 
The proportions of the world

What you innocently wanted
Vs. what you innocently thought
You could have.

It's not like it's a compromise, a negotiation 
On which your savvy is judged. You are the only God,
The one who decides what your sun shines on.

No Rolling Stones Gather in Jerry Moss Plaza

The spring confetti swirls in Fibonacci spirals 
Over the hard concrete
As I disappear between worlds
At the end of the day.

I am for others and others are for me
But we have nothing in common otherwise,
Just the situation, where agreements were made,
Our names are our own, signed, but, really

We have no inkling of why we are here
Or who needs to use us to speak.
So the crack seems almost natural,
The place for all the cool people to go

To not be seen. The world outside our senses
Turns to gold decorative foil, hard to peel away
But once the edge is found
There's no limit to how much can be removed.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Gaza with a Z

Mayor Mensch declared all Civil Disobedience
Safe and even sacred, even in Sacramento 
Before a city council hung like a rooster weathervane
Out to dry, in the balance.

"We will wait all night to hear everyone speak,"
He declared, sad he could not do more 
For the olive trees and branches and cocktails
But the audience of one, the photojo in the free speech zone 
Had left when pandemonium and arrests arrived
To such a carefully contrived chaos.
What is it but love everyone sought?

Fish-eyed, she had gazed for hours into Gaza,
Eyeless, thanked for bearing witness 
To someone else's land and crime and truth
In the militarized zone of zealots
She once had been the queen of, telling the truth
To allow the seeing. Righteous of the word
She went beyond the pink sea's endless partings
In her rebellion of peace, the church key lady
Who lit a candle in the dark, for those who risk their lives
So she didn't have to, a fellow traveler 
Photojo who had worn the fur.

But this resistance is all suffering
And darkness is the holding space.
Light is what she uses to speak
Thus walking in hell is walking in sunshine.
The banks close in on the border river, both are judgements
But the river is not, it is only the flow  of light
Zero giving of fucks. To avoid too much photojo with the salt
She had to leave her ego at the checkpoint Charlie door.

Everyone has love as a weapon,
Everyone sees only light
Yet look how much seems aligned against it
To sell the illusion that it has no power.
The photojo looks for the clarity just out of range,
The detail that reveals it as a prop 
On a manufactured stage on which
Our very real yearnings burn.

In the dream of a third opinion they give her 
A wide berth, to be invisible enough to see, 
But she renders no voice not her own, 
That's the thing about the voiceless 
She takes on, to fling upon the primal scream,
They make no sound.

She dreams of Lady Nada, how she sparkles in the pink spring
Like the light means something.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Signs of G_d 3.14

The twin tarot towers fall into their footprint 2 to 1
Like eternal clocks unwinding to perfection
And wound again so we may accomplish
What is already there
And perhaps understand the limitlessness of love,
For that, after all, is its only limit.

I'm aware of you, vescica blue,
And thus conscious of eternity,
Your pi hole in the middle of the rings of Guinevere
The sacred door, the portal,
The sweet g-spot of creation,
God, geometry, the Great arf-arf Seal,
The elusive guess and guest,
Grand Architect, a kind way of saying it:
Gimel Gamma Gamal,
Gematria's perfect triad
Taught by Gamaliel on down
As the harmony when opposites manifest in trine,
As kindness allows in from the choice to give or take
In free will, such generosity twins the contraries,
Merging soul and mind, earth and spirit, into heart,
The G force of G source,
The zero point of everything where nothing creates something,
The key of gratitude that unlocks the gooey, living void

And we all sincerely call for the truth of love
But it's the blue mirror that makes a geometry real
As a spinning funhouse, like the one where the Germans
Lost the War but are still in control ...
Germania, an ancient place of unknown origin
Named by the fiesty Celts for the Romans
To trine the Goths and Gaul as neighbors
For germination and germ warfare
Like 33.3 Gs in the glove of St. Germaine.
The Romans liked to erase things
Like the Druids and the (wait for it) Gnostics.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Exit Ramp on the Van Allen Beltway

The problem with seeing people 
        Is sometimes you see them.
Every eye is a mirror
        And mirrors aren't real
Just a glint of nothingness 
        Retracing the retraction
Back to the eternal subject
        That has no shape or name
In the blind light

                               Where the school of heart knocks
         Tricks you away from dancing free
With a kicked on the way out door
         That can be opened more or less,
Each swing of transactional authenticity
         To learn how you resist one thing 
And the world coils ready to spring

         So say the walking fortune cookies
Who would have you hack the matrix by focusing ...
          How the looking glass magnifies
Before it turns the thing that's seen 
          To dust
Without a stop for popcorn
          Or the nit gnats of judgment
All mystics and Indians know
          Is a crutch.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Death Doula Villanelle

He coughs up blood like Kerouac.
She won't phone up her vegan Republican quack.
The caul is over us now.

Appetite has slowed to a bite
Though whisky still flows, potatoes kept from the light.
The caul will fall too soon.

Photos are gathered for post-it note chats
On the dog's sleeping lie once avoided like gnats.
The caul will fall too soon.

The Swede's scrapbook hung like a sail.
The Mick's napkin sketch what it's like beyond the veil.
The caul is over us now.

Charon's great ship with its white foam prow!
The caul has come over us now,
In the last sick light of the moon.
The caul always falls much too soon.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Checking in on Cleo and Briscone

Baggage gone missing at the new moon
          On the spirals of progression carousel
That spin as one would peel back the toroid
          Of an onion
Off-balanced like a top our merkabah
          Tilted to the zero point
Where you would straddle the pole to recharge it
           Not at true horse North but blue.

I am in the center of you, unable to move
           Except closer
To the spiral of your chapter pages turned,
           Your ever-unpeeled onion leaves 
That leave me to cry for morsels,
            For the morsel horses, 
For the breadcrumbs to the morsel code,
             Point Zero Morsel.

But the world gets a little less straightened and chaste
             A little wiser as we
Become a little more free don't it Zephyrillis
             Or is it Etherea? 
We know each other 
             By so many names
We have become as fluid as Flood,
              For shape is optional, 

An excuse to lose myself, forget you,
              Always fun, seldom necessary, 
As memories of you crystalize my DNA,
             Conforming to me like memory foam
Squeezable as an inflamed sponge,
             A lemon ponied up
Off-world and off-the-hook at the Nature Lounge
             Naked Spirits bar.

Timelines tremble,
             Thoughts interstell.
The nothingness of pure light
             Manifests all things 
For the sake of illumination
              Nothing more.
But then we went quantum
              And truly lost time.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Oldest Chinese Restaurant in California

The rain drips in my bed.
The long-suffering house is finally crying.
It can no longer dance.
The main vein has been unreined
To memories fallen like mirrors.
The pillaging pillow bends like a willow
As the crisper fills with remedial rain.
The pea flower blue forbidden rice frog
Has many paddies to cross.
The lilies are the only things blooming
In the pea soup, blue velvet fog
That refuses to smoke out in a blaze of entitlement
Like flair-haired Jimmy the red-headed step head,
Roller of doobs for pubes 
But to evolve with each resolve,
To see the master's hand as my own
Pulling the black and blue down into the sky.

The only consistent thing in my life,
The panhandler at the cross-walk
Hits me up with an especially robust "spare today, spare today"
As he holds a few coins in his fingers.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Bus 69

My forlorn lonesome burn
For what's locked away in Folsom,
Your fulsome bosom blues
and their foregone conclusions.

Yet they somehow found their way
To the Ukrainian pray for rain party
At Open Heaven that went on all night
Keeping vigil like a light house,
A sigil for the ages where the buzzers and alarms
Go off instead of on
And Caspar the Jumping Ghost is on the struggle bus
But thankfully not thrown under
Like at the Mesmer school of Mnemesyne
When the Chicago School of lab rats and coats took over
And asked, famous artists style, "can you draw this blank?"

Oh my wing woman
For the sweet adelines
Swedes on treble cliffs
Wailing love language for dummies
From open source on the light web
Open all night
Wherever love is forbidden
Which interplanetary love always is
Everywhere but heaven
Open all night
Like the pickup truck that rides the LA River
Blaring Staying Alive with no way to disco duck it.

The doctors just say fuck it, face the hypnotist and dance.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Whisperings of the Way

The whole is the only individual.
The blue glass where we live our sunlit part
Asks only we stay quiet, for the murmur
Of what has transcended us, in common share,
The common's tragic end in keen elite listening,
To the white noise there, all the secrets
Burrowed in like grain for ancient rats.

It is so clean, the air, so crisp in execution
And weejun wax. We leave no trace,
For we touch no hands, at our best,
Let all success turn to failure
And failure our greatest success.
The clock that we keep measures the mind
Of the one, the living corporation
We incompletely fill.

                                      We are unreal
For most of the day, as the sunlight tracks
The Hollywood sign, descends into flame
Above Wilshire every single night...

The weather's unpredictable 
In Southern California, 
The micro-climates,
The infinite flow.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Space it Takes to Be Nothing

Somewhere in this garage is my new life.

Is it the green iguana heat lamp, for future movies
   as a figure of shadow and screen renown perhaps?

Or the toilet seat riser that no one will want, will it
           cling to me like the memory of an elephant?

The felt casters of a thousand broken chairs
                     and paint enough for a mausoleum,

The gardener will be gone, the mauve gloves will have 
                                                             slipped on,

There are never enough Goodwill runs to take
                      the finish off the hands

Of the disposable experience, that rests now next
    to the trash receptacles, in Zen balance.

The dragon sees the sky red
             and all of the leaves are crying.

Make of me what you wish, kind spirit, as you spin
          the fated fool's wheel like a Colt revolver

And the bated breath blows out to soil and solitude,
   small house with dog on the outskirts of Yuma,

And another family filed as a chapter in my saga,
           my postcards from another world

I pin to my heart of cork like a flag that is only the past
    and, therefore, proven wrong

But still stirring its lies in the pale light of fear
                                where absence once swam

And it's waiting again, the Swan,
             ever black as the night is long.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Fear Leaves

Silence is blue sky.
The words curl below.
They wait to exist as the wind deems it so.

But be always blows into do.
The others are filled with meaning
Then exhaled in a plume

To travel like birds
Over hills, without weight,
Shape or place to go.

The thousand years of rain
Can only be recalled
In the longing to be absorbed.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Kings of Hollywood

Tornados in San Diego 
But the clouds all laugh at that.

They throw their weight around 
As if they owned these hills,

As if they're merely vapor
Not the massive moving anchor

That mottles the valley 
To robes of black and white

As lords of shadow
Under judicial blue review.

Sunrise Train after Rain

The windows are blue. The steam is like clouds.
Mountains rise white in Buena Park.
The snow came in from the Pleiades 
To say how far away the white is
Of our spirit.
                         The streets of Cascade Circle
Are encased in mirror.
                                         The grass
By Commerce Casino, enflamed by new sun,
Befriends the names left behind: Blaze, Shred, Spar
-- At large and now in charge on Isra Mi'raj --
The pebbles sun themselves 
Beside the Blisterpak storm drains
Where the world shines back 
As if it was all nothing,
The thing that plagued the sleep of orphaned children.

Light will make a mockery
Of the cold blue moneyed spires
-- Even the ties by Mission Tower glisten from home--
And will inhabit hobo chairs
Wet like redwood beside
The shiny tracks,
To view the passing
In a different white.

The river pours like a concrete truck,
Flowing wings, as birds arise
Unearthly bright.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Fire Horse

What can be done with the fire horse?
It can't exist 
Yet it does.

It won't burn
But there's flame
As far as the eye can withstand.

And the dirt and horizon
Have become
The same red,

The burning of blood
As a ritual act
In someone else's show.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Ox and Goat in Rabbit Time

Like clockwork we agree, to our broken clock
Twice a day -- the rest is a hiss
Of enmity and longing, pleadings for what can
Never be. Bliss, the critics say,
The horse on course will miss its whip and jockey.

A spirit must be broken like a spine
In the book of grievance, encased in ice
To encapsulate the noise. The silence,
Though occasional, is the gift for the soul,
A fair exchange on the planet of war.

In some schools I'm the hero for getting through
But tell that to the moon, whose narcotic milk
Won't feed the mouth deprived of bristols
To call one's own. We boys we do such sullen things
At the persistence of tyrants, the knife we draw
A pain we can call pleasure.

I did agree to love. I did agree to fear.
I did agree to veil myself behind the silver mirror.
There are some things that I have learned in time
Of who I am and how I came to be,
And every single one of them's a lie,
The bite of that bitter apple the not me.

It is always someone else who does this,
The murders in my name. And, always, just by seeing,
I take all the blame. As victory,
For even that can hurt me, transcendent
As I am, a galaxy.

                                 It's how I'm known,
The rumor turned 3D, the murmur that becomes
A raging stream, and feeds so many capillaries
The trees start to believe that they are green.

Where we have been is a mystery,
The future history.
The thing now's to take it all in
And turn it back like the cousin at the door
Sent packing.

                        Who are we, when the real don't talk
And the mauvaise-froid share the same heart?

The dancers stand with weapons drawn
As the back-beat shifts from the 2-step.
I take my ten-gallon of the possible off
From what she wanted, the impossible to fulfill.
Thus the shadow of the cattle hat fell across
The floor, like that holographic horse just appeared
Ununseeable, from that snow-blind winter scene. 

Saturday, February 3, 2024


It's come to this, the zero degree
Where all urge of surrender has ceased,
The frozen moment, where leopards
Merely stare. There is a war somewhere.
You can hear it on the military bands.
But the war in here, does not give in
Its thaw. One waits coldly for a word
That is law.

                    Ah, but it was only story time
On that crackling pipe, all the ships to sea
A pale moonlit reflection of the words
I bore each day, of traumatizing fathers,
Zealot moms, cigarettes packed too tight
And an acid point of view on negroes, jews, jews.
Everyone could see it, no one did a thing,
At the Ashkenazi warlords command,
     Per the sane one knowing bravery
And the power of the radio
To garble.

                                  There's gold in Nome
And radar towers.
       And men who go on ships to quiet die
                      Smoking Santa Claus cigars
And bearing Jimmy Cagney to the skies,
Where they fly, regardless
Of life and death,
                                Mere adjustments in the dial,
The game of chess whose master
In Antarctica always wins.
The ice is too thick for human hearts
That burn for any shore.

                       Even the sane one fell victim.
Condemned as insane he went within, silent
As a radio at the thought he only took a hill
In his heart, where all that matters flows.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Signal after the Storm

The terror has poppycocked.
The peaks betray but few
Stray smoke pocks
On blue.

Irreducible the layers peeled
As far as feeling allowed.
The art of doing nothing
First must bear the fear
Of clouds.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Song of the Wheelchair

Even the crows talk of someone else,
Someone who matters
So I can release my great brace,
Smell the exhaust of squealing freedom
Squirrelled out one nut crack at a time,
The inordinate candor
To a squalor of truth
That still floats inside the blues 
Chased like bitters away,
To draw close to.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Incident in Norwalk

The lost angels have gone off the rails, Off tumbleweed reservations, one tweaker Kept 7 trains, 1000s of people, stranded For hours, all up the line to Bakersfield And everyone watches the system collapse, The inexplicable malfunctions In the way people love and understand As we watch our beliefs on the board go down. I’m a lucky one. I escaped the good fortune Of commuter rail suicides on either side of the drive And the bridge dive suicides. The 10 freeway Has fallen through! The hills are angry with smoke As we wait expectant but senseless, accepting But numb, the stoic SoCal cool where there would be Homicides in Gotham, third rail replies To the no explanations, not even, really, lies. It’s a party, in fact, a copa cabana in the club car, A conga line where everyone can sing Of their endless love and get hitched in, Laughing like the moon at jackals. The anonymous station we were deposited With only hope left in our pockets was once The scene of a town’s, any American town’s, joy As the freight rumbled through with a shudder. And when we finally move, it feels somehow historic, This epic fail, to withstand all the traps of time Placed in our way for us, and still be standing, as, At the end of the endless, you’re still there, intact.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Mother For The Sky

The clouds are browned this morning
In a lightly hoovered stream 
That warps in woven frays
Refracting reds and purple 
On beds of wool minds laying
Contemplative as they conjure.
They coat the void as they float.

She was harder than that
Though she floated just as still
And promised hues of softness
No cloudwool can distill.
There was always something for herself
Not spread like rainbow ice among the crystal,
The only note that she could play
In such cold blue.

The air was much too thin,
The company too bleak ...
What happens to the best of us
As we spread too thin our fleece
Across the cling-charged flock
Too nebulous for love enough 
To uncurl ever their locks.

They will move much further on,
Acquire a bruised patina
As the offering of their play
That never ceases its spin

Saturday, August 26, 2023

del vino e delle rose

non è lungo, 
i panorami che si aprono 
non sono mai la fine,
più paradiso, 
come se fosse tutto ciò 
che è mai 

[it is not long, 
the vistas that open 
are never the end,
more heaven, 
as if it was all 
that ever 