Sunday, January 27, 2019

Missing ...

It's been two straight days
Without a moon.
We got so concerned
We went out looking for it.

It wasn't at the beach.
It wasn't on the hill.
It really shouldn't be that difficult
To locate on such a clear night.

What have they done with it?
Maybe they drove it away
And it will mosie back by morning,
That's the hope anyway.

It's just not like it,
When its glass should be half full
To cede the whole sky to the stars,
Twinkling as if they own the place.

I suppose there are amateur skywatchers
Who say this kind of thing happens
All of the time, they're no longer bitter
They're ignored, but just the same

The moon is gone.
I can't deny it anymore
But no one seems to pay it any mind
As they spoon their tea in dim-lit restaurants.

It's as if their plans are still on track
And they've got bigger concerns than that.
I guess the big picture
Doesn't have relevance to their lives.

It's only cosmic perturbations,
Something the solar system does,
Important in the scheme of things,
Good for them!