Sunday, July 10, 2011

Days of Pain - 4

We all share the same brain
but crazy people know it
so they understand each others' salad words
like normal people understand directions -
the discourse of the mad is subtly honed
in here, the sane are the ones confused.

But the patients are so kind, they say
"all you really need to know of God
is on the backside of your dollar bill:
an all-seeing eagle eye
'In God We Trust ONE.'"

There's a point in everyone's life
where coincidence becomes crazy,
and there's a point here - every 20 minutes or so -
when someone's put into a straight jacket.
That's just the way it goes
No word no word no word no word no word no word
Word ... One.

The windows and refrigerators are locked
but there are the finest therapists in here:
Jesus born again for 2012,
Pops the homeless sailor down the hall.
A lot of energy in here, too,
A lot of people murdered.

We're free to drink orangeade and play games.
Here's one that they call word association:
Love means learning how your living makes others hurt...
Faith means staying away from artificial connections
like drugs and computers that keep you from the dream...
Hope is the word on the state flag of Rhode Island,
underneath a big and yellow anchor...
Charity means not letting on when we see
that they get lost too just like we do.