Sunday, June 30, 2024


It takes a village of idiots
     flipped like tiddlywinks
But at 96 June degrees
     uncooled dignity
However arch,
     however cruel the blues —

And the lilac revolution
     took sides at last
On its way to today's
     rainbow hues.
What stone walls could be
     walked through,

All of them inside.
     For the people were not real,
So we didn't know there was
     a not us. We can't let in 
The colors unless
     they say they exist.

The thread of gratitude
     that prismatically
Folds through the lies,
     abuse, bondage
For refusing to stand
     for something in this world

Frays on days like these,
     shame sold for parts
Must end, so one must be
     grateful for the pain
Enough to stand, because it's real

To stand opposed, to see clearly,
     to be forced
To see oneself, like a forced
     holiday from other people
On a humid day in June
     where thirsts cannot be slaked.

The thought of rising above
     like the vapor
Escapes, seems impossible,
     being harmed
And taking action, as if it was
     a neutral move

That would not make cops wince
    50 years later
When told they couldn't walk 
    in their blues
At the citizen's local 
     rainbow parade.

It takes honesty to know
     the people you love
Have lied to you
     and strength
To still be grateful ...
     for what is no longer

Seen and known, a newly minted
     variant of freedom.
You want to take the wheel
     but sometimes 
You have to leap
     outside the vehicle

To not be in the death seat
     with a rear-view mirror.
But the game allows
     a tuck and roll,
To pry oneself of the comfort
    of others, 

The crash-test dummies
     you rely on, 
Like those fags at the bar
     waiting to be caught,
Prepared to squeal,
     programmed to scatter.