The empty must be rusted,
Just a slant of light let through
This plexiglass opaque curtain
— Once people suffered here, on some
Lint-lunged, mangle-handled contraption
To make fashion affordable to the masses
Long extinguished in the current rages
That's long since blown through now,
Home to feral cats and all that keeps them
Alive in the dark, with ever-vigilant eyes.
Just a slant of light let through
This plexiglass opaque curtain
— Once people suffered here, on some
Lint-lunged, mangle-handled contraption
To make fashion affordable to the masses
Long extinguished in the current rages
That's long since blown through now,
Home to feral cats and all that keeps them
Alive in the dark, with ever-vigilant eyes.
It could not become a parking lot
Or boredom-making office park
Like the other would-be Pinocchios—
It must stay free of all ennui ...
The wait is inexorable
For enough to be forgotten
To raze the rafters down
In hopes we will remember
What haunts us like the China in the shed.