Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Creature No One Saw

Something is rotten in Ferry Bar Park.
Is it the mothman? Does he play this?
Or was it just a hologram like the moon,
Impossible to live with or miss?

Now the chromium flows, the crabs have come home to roost
At Sparrows Point, that sings its no-more secrets
Of Bethlehem Steel, on the day that Judas
Took down the Roman pig iron figurine.

Even the wedding dress and roses on the cake were blue 
And the ring bearers dressed as men in black
On the bridge where it happened in 1966,
Reports the Berkshire Eagle, on highway 36,

The same number of people who died on the Silver Bridge
Before they changed it to 37 on Wikipedia ...
And then there's Bonnybridge, "Scotland's Roswell",
In the Falkirk Triangle

And the Bridgeville UFO Festival, Bridgefest, you guessed it,
On a bridge. And there's that well-documented UFO boat
Floating by the now-singing ("wind retrofit") and Keyless
Golden Gate Bridge.

Brawny can't clean up this spill, the decades as they've festered,
Its non-union concrete crew the only supposed casualties.
Why they weren't warned like the lunar eclipse cars
Is just the most unasked of many mysteries

But I am much more interested in the "dolphins"
Placed specifically to protect said bridge from exactly this,
As pointed out by the incredulous structural engineer
Who poured the slab in 1974,

50 years ago, like clockwork tinker toy war spoils,
The third largest continuous truss bridge on the globe
Felled by a three-year old's tantrum ...
But there's so much not to make sense of:

Why in the 2012 movie Battleship did the aliens take bridges,
What no one on Reddit can figure out.
Or what really happened in High Bridge, New Jersey,
The site of irrefutable, unburiable fact,

As when in full view of Manhattan on the Brooklyn Bridge
People were pulled up one day into the sky,
Aligning such undefined choiring strings
As no allowable theory can contend.

Why, I ask, did the light beam blue avian blue,
And why was London Bridge sung to fall down
And is now on Lake Havasu?
What symbols can we use?

The Mayday Bridge like its namesake's namesake F. Scott's most
Famous story? Google won't tell you, its AI
Makes me admire how tight the Federation of Light has to be
To keep the veil as black as we need it to be.

The one incontrovertible fact in that whole Mothman business
Was that a bunch of real West Virginians saw him in 1966,
Although his eyes were like chrome reflectors not red,
And no one ever called him the Mothman, 

That's just what some AP copy editor said, 
And it wasn't even the figure but the fact
It was foisted on the consciousness 
Of Pleasant Park's unwittingly empathetic

Through some advanced blue light technology 
Presided over by actual men in black
Driving Cadillacs over the bridge
That undeniably went down,

And undeniably
Emil Roedel, Nazi Germany's most famous spy,
Was there, in West Virginia, before the bridge toppled,
As was Indrid Cold, an impossible name 

With a hard-to-conceive-of tale, like Indra the Hindu
God of fire, cold fusioned into dragon
Who appears as a vampire, or as spangle of stars
On any given red, white and blue bridge to nowhere.

It was an attack, a personal pearl harbor I suppose,
On what I was, on Grizzly and the miniature
Row homes of Curtis Bay, and the aforementioned
Ferry Bar Park, where, indeed, Homey Didn't Play That.

And the name of the cargo barge, with its captain called in
Like Jim Morrison's admiral dad for all the headline
Bridge apocalypse operations, was that book
That both of us magically have

On the surrealist Dali, from Dahlia as in the Blue,
Who drew a broken bridge he called it
To dream, but it was fully constructed
To the point it had to cross something, anything, to connect.

The locals never knew the bridge was at stake
When they saw that full-of-holes moth, 
Their accounts never quite connected,
As anonymously famous as they became.

The whole eastern seaboard is now unexpectedly 
Unhinged, as Apple buys up nuclear power plants
And the only transport pipe for waste on the whole
Eastern seaboard has ghosted us.

The Patapsco River now floods its banks
With the flow of the great mind, and we see clear 
In the blue beam to Northumbria
Without ever having to talk.