the wail,
Nail to the screw,
A lone wolf cry in a family
of sheep.
How cold and how cruel
the deals for love
bend in this family
For the rawest advantage,
the most noxious noise,
That biles up shames
and the guilt suppressed
As all transgressions are retrieved
in the infinite howl of
the slaughtered,
The black sheep howl of truth
acts out the martyr
as assassin
Of all mores, norms, customs.
the objective dysfunction
of the ones one loves.
She relies on codependency
as existential threat
to exist
As anything but chaos,
Where the shrewdest
take advantage
In a numbers lock
where we're still imprisoned
In the bunkbed school
fated to toil away at
Funk and Wagnalls
At these latest parties
in the pinkest resorts
Where the sharpest of retorts
are reserved exclusively
for those loved the most,
The love most worth of sharing,
because we are here,
The same horses on the
same farm
With the same sheriff and wranglers
and hired guns
at sundown as dawn.