Thursday, April 22, 2021

Candle for Jameson

Uncountable gulls in the sky
Fly their angel wings
Looking to drop dey young
On apoplectic spring,

An egg-shelled infantry 
Of instant infant karmakaze 
Worth its wait in sand ...

The ducks have returned to our yard,
Doves, wasps and possums in the eaves,
There's crying again, the same question 
Always: what they need, 

As their protectors cry
For what they can’t protect, what they've released
In an endless velocity of escape.

It's who they were, but know no more. 
The chore's done soon, songs sung again,
As if the search would never have to end
And one won't need to bear the conclusion.

The votive is sparked 
In the baby's name,
Old moon wiped clean of slime.

The eagle looks down at what hope
Miraculously upsprings 
Knowing that something will not be lost
To the unapologetic wind,

Such a music, 
Wild and flying -- not yet free
... Jameson.