Besides the lovers beginning or ended who want to begin at
the end there are so many things that end up beginning that the beginning
begins to end up being the end the end being where the lovers and others will
end up beginning again at the beginning that will end up being what began which
will in the end begin again at the beginning with neither an end nor a beginning
and in the end will be equal to the turning of the earth where we will have
ended up unable to distinguish where the end begins or the beginning ends which
is all the ends and all the beginnings equal to all the beginnings and all the ends
which is the final beginning of the infinite commencing past the indefinite—equals
an epitaph equals a preface and vice-versa
He killed himself with zeal, or died of laziness.
If he lives, it’s by an oversight; what’s left is less.
If he lives, it’s by an oversight; what’s left is less.
—His sole regret was not to be his mistress.—
He was not born by any stretch,
Was always pushed to the wind-edge,
A clown chowder,
An adulterous mixture
Was always pushed to the wind-edge,
A clown chowder,
An adulterous mixture
Of I don’t know what. —But not knowing plenty;
Of gold, —without a penny;
Of nerve, —without any;
Of drive, —as if maimed;
Of soul, —and no violin;
Of love, —a half-breed stallion.
—Too many names to have a name.—
Of gold, —without a penny;
Of nerve, —without any;
Of drive, —as if maimed;
Of soul, —and no violin;
Of love, —a half-breed stallion.
—Too many names to have a name.—
Chased the ideal —without an idea;
Spun fine rhymes, —and never rhymed;
Never having been, —he’d return;
Finding himself lost at every turn.
Spun fine rhymes, —and never rhymed;
Never having been, —he’d return;
Finding himself lost at every turn.
Poet, despite his verse;
Artless artist, —brush reversed,
Philosopher —thought-averse.
Artless artist, —brush reversed,
Philosopher —thought-averse.
Seriously funny —not funny at all.
Actor, he did not know his role;
Painter: he played the bagpipe;
And musician: of the pallet knife.
Actor, he did not know his role;
Painter: he played the bagpipe;
And musician: of the pallet knife.
A talking head! —Without a head;
Too crazy to know he sounded stupid;
Taking the lines at face value,
His false poems were his only truth.
Too crazy to know he sounded stupid;
Taking the lines at face value,
His false poems were his only truth.
Rare bird —a goldbrick;
A girly girl —a real prick;
Capable of anything —good for nothing;
Astonishingly evil —appallingly good.
Profligate as a baby
With his legacy —but not a legatee.
Brave, and often, afraid of his pan-hand
He put his foot in it, to stand.
A girly girl —a real prick;
Capable of anything —good for nothing;
Astonishingly evil —appallingly good.
Profligate as a baby
With his legacy —but not a legatee.
Brave, and often, afraid of his pan-hand
He put his foot in it, to stand.
Fanatical colorist, —pale as a ghost;
Misunderstood… —by himself the most;
He cried, he sang just false;
—Was a fault without faults.
Was neither someone nor something,
His true self was a posing.
Not a poseur, —he posed as one posing;
Too naïve, being too cynical;
He believed in nothing, believing all.
—His taste was for the distasteful.
Misunderstood… —by himself the most;
He cried, he sang just false;
—Was a fault without faults.
Was neither someone nor something,
His true self was a posing.
Not a poseur, —he posed as one posing;
Too naïve, being too cynical;
He believed in nothing, believing all.
—His taste was for the distasteful.
Much too ripe, —because overdone,
Besides himself he called to mind none,
So much amused by his own boredom
He woke up with it before the sun.
He was a loafer at large, —rudderless
Shipwreck of no fixed address ....
Besides himself he called to mind none,
So much amused by his own boredom
He woke up with it before the sun.
He was a loafer at large, —rudderless
Shipwreck of no fixed address ....
The power to suffer too much self squashed,
His spirit was parched and sloshed,
Not conceiving an end to his life
He died expecting to live
And lived, expecting to die.
His spirit was parched and sloshed,
Not conceiving an end to his life
He died expecting to live
And lived, expecting to die.
Too successful —at being a failure.
Sauf les amoureux commençants ou finis qui veulent commencer par la fin il y a tant de choses qui finissent par le commencement que que le commencement commence à finir par être la fin la fin en sera que les amoureux et autres finiront par commencer à recommencer par ce commencement qui aura fini par n'être que la fin retournée ce qui commencera par être égal à l'éternité qui n'a ni fin ni commencement et finira par être aussi finalement égal à la rotation de la terre où l'on aura finit par ne distinguer plus où commence la fin d'où finit le commencement ce qui est le commencement ce qui est toute fin de tout commencement égale à tout commencement de toute fin ce qui est le commencement final de l'infini défini par l'indéfini - Égale une épitaphe égale une préface et réciproquement.
Il se tua d'ardeur, ou mourut de paresse.
S'il vit, c'est par oubli; voici ce qu'il laisse:
- Son seul regret fut de n'être pas sa maîtresse. -
Il ne naquit par aucun bout,
Fut toujours poussé vent de bout,
Et ce fut un arlequin-ragoût,
Mélange adultère de tout.
Du je-ne-sais-quoi. - Mais ne sachant où;
De l'or, - mais avec pas le sou;
Des nerfs, - sans nerf. Vigueur sans force;
De l'élan, - avec une entorse;
De l'âme, - et pas de violon;
De l'amour, - mais pire étalon.
- Trop de noms pour avoir un nom. -
Coureur d'idéal, - sans idée;
Rime riche, - et jamais rimée;
Sans avoir été, - revenu;
Se retrouvant partout perdu.
Poète, en dépit de ses vers;
Artiste sans art, - à l'envers,
Philosophe, - à tort et à travers.
Un drôle sérieux, - pas drôle.
Acteur, il ne sut pas son rôle;
Peintre, il jouait de la musette;
Et musicien: de la palette.
Une tête! - mais pas de tête;
Trop fou pour savoir être bête;
Prenant un trait pour le mot très
- ses vers faux furent ses seuls vrais.
Oiseau rare - et de pacotille ;
Très mâle... et quelquefois très fille;
Capable de tout, - bon à rien ;
Gâchant bien le mal, mal le bien.
Prodigue comme était l'enfant
Du testament, - sans testament.
Brave,et souvent, par peur du plat,
Mettant ses deux pieds dans le plat.
Coloriste enragé, - mais blême ;
Incompris... - surtout de lui-même ;
Il pleura, chanta juste faux;
- Et fut un défaut sans défauts.
Ne fut quelqu'un, ni quelque chose
Son naturel était la pose.
Pas poseur, - posant pour l'unique ;
Trop naïf, étant trop cynique ;
Ne croyant à rien, croyant tout.
- Son goût était dans le dégoût.
Trop cru, - parce qu'il fut trop cuit,
Ressemblant à rien moins qu'à lui,
Il s'amusa de son ennui,
Jusqu'à s'en réveiller la nuit.
Flâneur au large, - à la dérive,
Épave qui jamais n'arrive...
Trop soi pour se pouvoir souffrir,
L'esprit à sec et la tête ivre,
Fini, mais ne sachant finir,
Il mourut en s'attendant vivre
Et vécut, s'attendant mourir.
Ci-gît, - cœur, sans cœur, mal planté,
Trop réussi, - comme raté.