Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day Commute

Today it's like a drape has dropped,
And every third face lacks a something —

They're not included in the dance
And can't understand the alchemic skulduggery
Where they're deemed not to fit on this date,

As if the hearts in the air can now be seen

And they are mocking them,
The faces whose secrets are subtly betrayed,
Who shred, that army of titans, every tree on the way.

There's nothing in the sky that doesn't drop
For more than a moment

And there's always this moment of silence
Before one reaches
And after one retracts.

These autists can feel how much is sacrificed
For each victory of every heart,
As they can't understand the inevitable math
Of what 1 part plus 1 part equals.

Still, the mystery hangs like this colorless cloud.

A poet in a rain hat
Runs through his recent verses with a pen.
The characters are blue. He smiles,
As if he never had before, as if the words
He wrote are suddenly something real.