Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Hanging with the Fly Ash Sunrise

The sky is too painful to look at
– It offered so much hope –

Now it’s death again from above
And we can’t pretend anymore

To be children pulling up daisies
When the war is out in the open

Although few of its victims will look
To see the scars that streak the blue

And those of us who do doubt
There is strength in knowing

Maybe the truth must fester in silence
For all the harm that comes from speaking

Maybe ignorance is the best defense
It’s the devil you know that hurts you

The one you can thank for the pain
You otherwise would not feel

How it sets you apart
From everyone and everything

Makes the way back long
To where you lost yourself

The insanity of being alone
Is in direct proportion to

The astonishing ineluctable divinity
Of your being

It’s long but fulfilling
To lose the heroes you never chose

To learn to stay on friendly terms
With a world that is your enemy

To find the flowers come from your eyes
And not that empty vending cart …

How funny, in that simple shift
No feeling

Has been lost
No compassion sacrificed

The universe of consequence blinked
Not at all