Saturday, July 20, 2019

Villanelle at 50

"The moon does not rotate as physics says a celestial body must. It is a vehicle that is used as a command center... They do not appreciate us visiting them." - William Tompkins

The moon is not a moon.
Its wheel will never spin.
It is not our own.

The soft glow is not love.
The tides are an illusion.
The moon is not a moon.

For movies sent back home
Once or twice we were let in.
It is not our own.

The dreams are what is true.
The field is but a stand-in.
The moon is not a moon.

It is not for us to know.
The watchers stay within.
It is not our own.

We may demand the facts soon
Or shrink back in terror again.
The moon is not a moon.
It is not our own.