Thursday, September 6, 2018

Recovering the Other

The mind is unkind,
Parts hearts every day

But souls know to roll that way,
Spirits play,

Refreshed in death’s breath
Between life’s strife,

Where what you knew isn’t true
And what you felt melts,

The you who knelt before the blues
Becomes the you who grew

By choosing shoes for new losing
Along the avenues of clues,

Going there to share,
And wear your caring stare,

So the universal brain cell can tell you
Your song is wrong,

Your touch too much, the crying
Nebula eye you rely on a lie.

Everything divides
So the other side can be pried,

The guide tried,
The decider elided,

The larger than life
Brought down to size

So it may rise
More wise next time.

Thus the sublime rhymes
Like breeze through the trees,

The invisible available to feel,
From the unassailable real.

How else could we comprehend?
How thought never comes to an end …