Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Political Poem

RIP Jen Moore

The earth is ruled by Titans, who maul and eat the children.
We call ourselves guerillas, who’ll win this war somehow
By staying alive, despite the countless ways they have to kill us.
Everyone is an enemy, everyone. Every channel of public
Communication exists to promote the dismemberment of infants
As the highest embodiment of being human. If, like us,
You disagree, you are shunned, if lucky, or snuffed out, if
Luckier still, or, more likely, dragged through shame parades
Where the entire planet gets to taunt you, even the priests
And rabbis, ministers and imans, who’ll take a break from raping
And sacrificing little boys and girls to say we will go to hell
If we don’t believe their word is God’s. All our friends and families
Have long since turned their backs on us, we are not welcome
At schools, workplaces, restaurants, coffee shops, if we ask, as we 
Must, how many missing children’s bones were found inside the 
Tunnels between the party rooms that honeycomb the cities,
Rescued into slavery by CPS, or bought by the Red Cross, 
The tax-free foundations and the charities that play for pay 
Upon our last human sympathies. Our neighbors may try, out of 
Kindness, to correct us, and say the world is ruled by Satan, 
Haven’t we heard? It’s quite allowed to saw off the face of a girl 
And show it to her as if it’s your own. That's the least, if you want
To be great, that’s expected of you; have you ever even drank
The urine of a rotisseried baby or did you just enjoy the meat?
The blood, the blood, we say, the martyrs most pure and innocent, 
Then the laughter that we are insane, not worthy of community,
A danger that must be medicated with heavy metals, pacified 
With fluoride, watched by the eyes we can't see. We're taken
To therapists, who ask us to say why we feel it’s so wrong
That the people who give us our opinions, the ways we spend
Our money and time, the influences on our young, are themselves,
Through continuous torture, controlled to the final hair of their 
Souls? Why would such a thing even matter to us, they ask,
Is this really only about that man at the library stacks, who
Expressed his love the only way he knew how, by putting his 
Shaking hands inside my pants when I was a boy? 
We don’t have the strength anymore to deny our beliefs,
To go along with a world that treats children like snacks, and
People as extinguishable waste. The Resistance the holds the last
Candle for the dignity of the human race glares at us with disgust
That we exist, as the deepest disgrace, as the force that renders
Life meaningless. But still we must talk – as I do now – something 
Deep inside insists on being perverse, at putting its own survival
And sanity at stake in order to draw more wasted breaths
For a world where to kill is to live.