Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sunlight Villanelle

Houses dissolve into the sun
Form is a mourner’s veil

Thoughts live forever, if only for fun
No one can say what you know

The stuff that is said is the useless part
Form is a mourner’s veil

As large as a star is the speaker’s heart
No one can say what you know

The earth is a flower, and you are its seed
Form is a mourner’s veil

The sun beats a code through the passing trees
No one can say what you know

The windows are sky and sky merely windows
Form is a mourner’s veil

Everyone's wearing disguises and clothes
No one can say what you know

You must talk to buildings – there’s no other way
Form is a mourner’s veil

Voices surround you – do you hear what they say?
No one can say what you know

Light is more real than what it uncovers
Form is a mourner’s veil

You are a flower that keeps changing colors
No one can say what you know

It’s not in the thing but inside its song
Form is a mourner’s veil

All that you’ve learned turns out to be wrong
No one can say what you know

The blackest of stones may be dreaming too
Form is a mourner’s veil

In darkness we live to teach light to shine through
No one can say what you know