Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tribute to the Red Shield and its Five Arrows

Inspired by reading Ezra Pound's barn burner of a magnum opus, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, written by his associate Eustace Mullins.

It's impossible to overstate the debt we owe to Mayer Amschel Bauer.
Without him Marx and Lenin, Rockefeller and Morgan,
Stalin, Nixon, Mao Tse Tung, all agents of his machinations,
Would not have become important. Without him
Europe's royalty would not have ended up expendable employees
When his Federal Reserve Bank became real. Without him
There would have been no World Wars or Great Depressions
Created for the profit and amusement of his cartel,
No Hitler and the Zionists made as dark, complicit twins.
We'd lack the whole magnificent Hegelian shebang:
The Modern Corporation and State Socialism,
Scientific materialism and religious fundamentalism,
The Boer Wars and diamonds as a girl's best friend,
The national security complex and Dewey's educational system,
The World Bank and United Fruit, agribusiness and eugenics,
The rule of petrochemicals and the theory of global warming;
These were all carefully put together, investment accounts of sorts,
Half-truths for the purchase, for the masses can't be coerced
Except through gambling, they throw their hard luck, their dreams,
Their origins in -- it's all emotion, and the house always wins.
It's a simple exploitation, really, of people needing to be right,
Needing to be the victim, in wars of men on women,
Black against white, power vs. powerless --
One gives one's power away in every duality,
Except for those who don't take sides, but create them,
The grand puppeteers of chaos, his family,
Still controlling all we see and think and hear
Through the organs of the media, as readily
As they controlled the combatants at the Treaty of Versailles,
Paying liars on both sides, manufacturing reality,
Still owning the politicians and foundations and universities
As easily as they did the Kings and Queens at the Congress of Vienna
in 1815.

Without them there'd be no fluoride in water, mercury in vaccines,
No UN or CIA, Skull & Bones or AMA,
No Lincoln or Kennedy Assassinations, no 9/11 Conspiracy,
No suppression of the truth about the hollow earth and aliens,
No fine print in health insurance policies, credit card agreements
And foreign affairs journals, no one controlling
The price of gold in London or of opium in China,
No need to put our children into debt
And to spend most of the money we earn on murder.

These things may seem to some as important.
Some think there's some big crime in keeping their rule a secret
Because it has allowed us to think that we are free.
But a day with my love and my friends and in nature
Creates a different reality. I am large and that is small,
Just a guy behind a screen with one idea:
A scheme to coerce governments to let him print their money,
Calls himself the House of Rothschild.

It's such a stark equation, such a logical thing to do,
I wonder why the only people who have figured it out
Claim it has something to do with reptilian bloodlines in Sumeria,
Human sacrifices and Freemasons, the dreaded Illuminati
When everyone knows they really mean the Jews.
But they've got it all exactly backward:
It's the hatred of the Jewish people that caused it to be this way,
Centuries of dark envy for a people who could ask for what they need
With such purity, who understood and shared so freely -- Goddamnit
Haven't we finally had enough? Of the secrecy, the blood oaths,
The protection rackets, the terror at the rage in people's hearts?
How much pain the world has created for itself, ever restricting
Its choices to survival and faith, when this lesson we choose itself
Is but a side, that may lead us to invoke the violet flame.