Saturday, May 31, 2008

And Google is the closest number to God...

Blogger's Note: Wow! One year, 144 poems, 12 x 12. For something that started off as a place to store some stuff I had lying around, this has really turned into something: an ongoing record of my daily engagement with the defiant world. Like the world, it hasn't really gotten any better or worse over the past year, but it definitely seems to be going somewhere. I, for one, want to find out where it goes.

To mark the occasion, I've posted something completely different, a novel, to my little corner of the Blogger server farms:

Urban Shocker

And soon I may post some earlier writings (including the Fleurs du Mal translation that got unceremoniously pulled off the web too many years ago now) if the universe of readers in my head deem it so.

As for actual (or is it virtual?) readers, congratulations on negotiating the akashic records to get here! Dealing with the most insane of art forms in the most insane of times and places is the only sane thing you can do, IMHO, for there is healing in it, a chance to recover the puzzle pieces of who you really are.