Thursday, June 7, 2007

Words of Dream Beginning

"The general listener modifies and justifies disclaims and denies, but basically can't stop going along." - Rachel Blau DuPlessis

Deathly saint collisions in biologist-free zones.
The bites don’t just get there by themselves.
Charcoal-blue dogs smudge lipstick-edged tunnels.
We knew they came for trouble's twin.
Heavenly ice arena strings up believers like pennants (penance).
Middle-class vistas like a scraping of skulls,
Backed by common demand, a fool's gin rummy,
An ever-present kindness that refuses to diminish—
Just as a steel contrivance exposes the timid barter of sheets,
Tenstone hangings from windows, veiled clothes—
You make do with private music, and the amorous hounds of
advocated rumors,
The hands that rise on nothingness, like jellied lutes.
Bait terrors elongate the rave processional,
How sharp our eyes to voice our blood magnet levels.
You never wanted nut-forms before.
Berserk medallions surround my drive for surface pleading,
The battle lines broken like verse, engaged in irresolution as a vector
of closure,
An utterance taught in no school.

Ghost angles sweeping, nearly broken with desire,
Fluid incivilities as long as silence.
The order is convenient. Mandolins and clowns
Are on the precinct list, but the cameras are officially stopped now.
What contagion looses all the fishes from the blinds?
Be inadequate with flesh and other storms
Beguilement a process not as sudden
As loose tankards capitulate to nothingness,
Another premonition of a land gone sour.
Togetherness wails an oily emblem
Some say solicitudes (solitudes) decentralize to the point of
An illusion of radicalism, my pen stays stuck in my hand.
Enforced belligerence guides islands now.
Acres of resentment unburdened.
Let darkness slip over music.
Naked bark void words.